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2024 State of Local SEO Contractors Edition

9700 Contractor google business profiles were analyzed for this study.
Top 20 ranking businesses for “contractor in city + state” were used for the analysis.
Top 10 cities by population per US State were analyzed.

Geographical Distribution

U.S. States by Customer Reviews and Ratings

9700 Contractors google business profiles were analyzed for this study. Click a state to see total review count, average rating, and most popular business categories.

  • Top 15 U.S. Cities by Customer Reviews and Ratings
  • Other U.S. Cities

Ratings & Reviews

Cities by Reviews per Capita

  • Top 15 Cities by Reviews per Capita
  • Bottom 15 Cities by Reviews per Capita

Top 15 Cities by Reviews per Capita

Bottom 15 Cities by Reviews per Capita

Reviews per capita is a metric used to standardize the number of reviews across different populations. It allows for a fair comparison by accounting for the size of the population. This metric is particularly useful when you want to compare the popularity or engagement level of businesses in different cities, regardless of their population size.


Reviews per capita


Total Reviews



Suppose you have two cities, Casper and Cheyenne, with the following data :




Total Reviews



Total Reviews



Calculating reviews per capita:

  • Casper :

Reviews per capita





  • Cheyenne :

Reviews per capita





In this example, even though Cheyenne has more total reviews, it also has a larger population. The reviews per capita metic shows that Cheyenne has slih=ghtly more reviews per person compared to Casper.

Ratings & Reviews

Top Cities by Ratings & Reviews

  • Top 15 Cities by Review Count
  • Bottom 15 Cities by Review Count
  • Top 15 by Star Rating
  • Bottom 15 by Star Rating

Top 15 Cities by Review Count

Bottom 15 Cities by Review Count

Top 15 by Star Rating

Bottom 15 by Star Rating

Ratings by Category

Customer Satisfaction Category by Rating

  • Top Customer Satisfaction Category by Rating
  • Bottom Customer Satisfaction Category by Rating

Top Customer Satisfaction Category by Rating

Bottom Customer Satisfaction Category by Rating

Interesting facts

Interesting Facts About Contractor Websites and SEO

Here’s a glimpse into the digital landscape of contractor businesses, highlighting the importance of SEO and a strong online presence.

1,341 out of 9,700 businesses did not have a website listed!

14% of the sample! This speaks to the adoption of internet marketing in the contractor space. Many businesses still rely solely on word of mouth and referrals.

Distribution of Contractor Ratings Facts

Only 759 businesses have a 4.0 or lower rating.

About 8%, showcasing the importance of a high star rating in local SEO. Near impossible to compete with low ratings unless you’re in a non competitive location.

129 businesses use Facebook or instagram as their website.

184 businesses are still using the Google Businesses websites that are now inoperable. Leaving them with no business website.

Social Media Landing Pages Facts

1,681 (22% of businesses) were missing H1 tags on their homepage

Pages which have a missing <h1>, the content is empty or has a whitespace. The <h1> should describe the main title and purpose of the page and are considered to be one of the stronger on-page ranking signals.

How To Fix

Ensure important pages have concise, descriptive and unique headings to help users, and enable search engines to score and rank the page for relevant search queries.

1,261 homepages (17%) have under 200 words of text.

Pages with a word count that is below the default 200 words. There isn’t a minimum word count for pages in reality, but the search engines do require descriptive text to understand the purpose of a page.

How To Fix

Consider including additional descriptive content to help the user and search engines better understand the page.

Homepage Word Count Distribution Facts
Home page title facts

1012 (12%) of website home page titles were either missing complete, “Home”, or “Homepage”.

Pages which have a missing page title element, the content is empty, or has a whitespace. Page titles are read and used by both users and the search engines to understand what a page is about. They are important for SEO as page titles are used in rankings, and vital for user experience, as they are displayed in browsers, search engine results and on social networks.

How To Fix

It’s essential to write concise, descriptive and unique page titles on every indexable URL to help users, and enable search engines to score and rank the page for relevant search queries.